Stranger Things Season 4: Logical Reason Behind Bob Newby’s Early Death

Stranger Things Season 4 Updates: Bob Newby, a character introduced in Stranger Things season 2 was fit for a long run in the series, but the character got killed early on and the reason behind it is justifiable.

Bob, played by Sean Astin, was seen throughout the second season of the series. Because of the innocence, the character gained extreme popularity but this was short-lived as he gets killed in the penultimate episode of Season 2.

Bob was introduced as Joyce Byers’ boyfriend. Even after working at the local Radio Shack, Bob often visited Byers’ residence and attempted to act as a father figure to Joyce’s sons, Jonathan and Will. When the situation becomes grim, Bob chose to sacrifice himself so that others could make it out alive.

Even though Bob’s death took place in the hospital sequence, the character was meant to be killed off much earlier. The series creators, the Duffer Brothers,  had initial plans to kill Bob in Season 2’s third episode.

Stranger Things Season 4 Bob Newby’s Early Death

Stranger Things Season 4

Bob was supposed to become a victim of Will’s possessed body but due to his likability and its importance in the season’s story kept pushing the ultimate fate. However, Bob’s death may come as too early for some people, but the Duffers had an understandable reason for the decision.

Considering the popularity and how overwhelmingly viewers rooted for the character, the creators toyed with the idea of keeping Bob alive beyond season 2, but in the end, they knew that they had to stick to their original plan for narrative reasons. Bob was a character meant for one season but leaving his influence for a long run. By following this trajectory, the show managed to develop a character that far exceeded expectations in terms of braver

Fortunately, Bob’s death didn’t come as surprise to Astin when he was cast in Stranger Things. The actor, who originally auditioned to play Murray Bauman was informed that Bob wouldn’t survive the events of season 2.

Even though the character is no longer be around, he’s still left a trace in the series. Bob also featured many a time in the Flashback footage in season 3, and there’s a high probability for more past sequences to feature this hell of a character before the show comes to an end.



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