Minecraft: Randomized Rooms With It’s Immersive Portal Mod

Immersive Portals is Minecraft’s most recent and popular mod which can be used for amazing projects. But according to an inventive player of the game, it is possible to use it to make doors that generate completely random rooms every time they open.

It was quite a tricky thing to do as the player had to combine powers of Immersive Portal and Pekhui mods. The creative gamer used them to create an example of non-Euclidean geometry in Minecraft. First he created a room with no exceptionally visible feature. But the room did have a miniature replica of itself which could be visited by shrinking the character model. This process is repeated seamlessly and there is always a miniature version of the room present.

How Immersive Portal Mod Happened in Minecraft?

The creative builder in context is Reddit’s floatingWithNoOrbit. The player shared on his account a video demonstrating a door that opened up to a different room every time. From fire-ravaged interiors to a staircase leading somewhere else, it was completely randomized. Some comments were quick to point out that it looks similar to Harry Potter’s Room of Requirement. However, the only suspicious thing was that the camera was absolutely still. This might indicate editing rather than actuality, but not for sure.

Some viewers didn’t believe Immersive Portal Mod to have such a feature, but others pointed to even better things mods have provided. For example, the Create Mod allows users to created automated mechanisms and machines in-game in Minecraft. One of the latest Create Mod inventions was a fully functional elevator made from a simple room.

Possible or not, such a random room feature would be really handy for players in keeping room for storage. Also, it surely must have motivated other creators to replicate the feat. More often than not, such motivations lead to even better creations. Minecraft has been known for such features all around and looks like it’s not slowing down anytime soon.

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