Dragon Goes House-Hunting Proves False Advertising Can Hurt EVERYONE

Dragon Goes House-Hunting Updates: Dragon Goes House-Hunting is a Japanese fantasy manga series written by Kawo Tanuki and illustrated by Choco Aya.

Currently this manga has been adapted into an anime and is now streaming on Funimation. This has caught the attention of lot of anime lovers and it’s followers are increasing slowly.

The episode 3 of the anime has been a surprise for many as Lettt has already managed to find his dream house. In reality, his house hunting process is over only because of some false advertising from some annoying heroes.

The episode begins with trip to the Crone’s Lair, a shop owned by the Graea sisters from Greek Mythology who’ve been known to provide Perseus what he needed to kill Medusa.

The showroom has all the fantasy items that Letty needs like doors, magical stuffs and the salamander lantern that doesn’t need fuel.

Letty now approved the idea of Dearia to build his own home well equipped with all magical items from the Graea sister’s store. But the only problem he had before him was lack of money.

He had saved up baby teeth in a hope to attract the tooth fairy to get money in return but they were too less in the RPG world. Letty now starts working on collection of funds for building his house but Dearie already has a plan.

Dragon Goes House-Hunting Episode 3


Episode 3 also proves that Dearia is the best real estate agent and architect out there. He comes in with his own team of gnomes and ogres. Though Letty also wants to help him but he always ends up creating a mess.

Now Dearia  reveals his plan to collect fund for the building; use Letty’s status as dragon to lure unsuspecting and low level heroes and then strip them off their gears, which can be later sold at high prices. Dearia also hired three bodyguards to help Letty to guard the house along with a wolfman, a Minotaur and a lizard man.

The bodyguards are successful in their jobs and are able to defeat the heroes easily that tried to kill Letty. They then take their gears which would later be useful in gaining money.

The heroes award Letty with a name; “Flame Dragon Lord of Mass Destruction ” as an effort to justify their shameful defeat against Letty. But the stories spread like wildfire very soon and makes Letty’s life horrible.

Weaker creatures, after hearing the story come seeking for help from Letty and Letty allows them in and slowly the house is filled with numerous small fantasy creatures thus converting it into a dungeon.

The creatures are in awe of Letty and sing out songs in his praise. Thus, spreading the stories even further. The house naturally became a dungeon that every hero is attracted to and every one of them comes here to raid and gets defeated by the guards only to lose their gears and get humiliated.

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