Berlin Season 2 Is Renewed by Netflix!

After seeing the huge success of Berlin, Netflix and the creator of the series have decided to renew the series for Season 2.

All the viewers who love to watch digital content must not be aware of the series about which we are going to talk about just now and which is titled Money Heist.

Nobody is unaware of this name and also the spin-off of this series which is titled Berlin season 2 and the soon going to approach the screens of all the fans waiting eagerly for it to premiere.

Those who have already seen the first part of the series which is Money Heist must be aware of its global popularity and the reason behind it getting the renewal or we can say the spinner.

The second part or the further extension of the series is going to be focusing on Pedro Alonso’s eponymous character in the series.

So without making any further delays let us just quickly move on so that we can give you all the details and updates that we have about the upcoming Berlin season 2 by that time all you need to do is just keep on reading this article till the end!!!!!

What Is the Renewal Status of Berlin Season 2?

It is quite obvious from the super success of the previously released part of the Berlin that it will be definitely getting the renewal because when it was streamed it was among the top 10 watched content on Netflix.
So yes the makers have officially renewed it for the second season.

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Who Could Return as Cast Members in Season 2?

Berlin Season 2

We are expecting the balloon-listed members to be back in the second season of the series as well or we can say the prequel of Money Heist.

Tristán Ulloa as Damián

Samantha Siqueiros as Camille

Michelle Jenner as Keila

Begoña Vargas as Cameron

Julio Peña Fernándezas Roi

Joel Sánchez as Bruce

Stay tuned and thanks for reading:)