When Is One Piece Chapter 1103 Coming?

When Is One Piece Chapter 1103 Coming? Well, the next chapter of the popular manga series, One Piece, titled Chapter 1103, is scheduled for release in January 2024 at midnight Japan Standard Time (JST). In the previous chapter, there was a story about Kuma, and now fans are eagerly waiting to see what happens next.

Some hints suggest there might be a story about Bonney coming up. However, there aren’t any reliable spoilers available for Chapter 1103 yet. A few unconfirmed spoilers are circulating, but these haven’t been widely endorsed by the group that typically leaks information about the series, so their credibility is questionable.

Thankfully, there is confirmed information about the official release date of the upcoming chapter. Unfortunately, we don’t have much to speculate on about Chapter 1103 based on the information available at the moment.

However, keep reading this article till the end to know a little more about Chapter 1103 of One Piece.

When Is One Piece Chapter 1103 Coming?

One Piece Chapter 1103

The next chapter of One Piece, Chapter 1103, will come out at midnight Japan Standard Time on Saturday, January 6, 2024.

For most fans outside Japan, it will be available on Friday morning in their local time. However, some international fans, like those in Japan, will get it on Saturday night instead. The specific release time depends on where you live and the time zone you’re in.

You can read the chapter from official sources like Viz Media’s website, Shueisha’s MANGAPlus website, or Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ app. The first two are free and let you read the latest three issues of a series, while the last one requires a paid subscription for access to the entire series.

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Recap Of Chapter 1102 Of One Piece

One Piece Chapter 1103

In One Piece chapter 1102, the story delved into the rise of Bonney and her crew, as they gained fame and notoriety to become part of the Worst Generation.

However, they always seemed to fall short compared to Kuma, another prominent figure. At the same time, the chapter showcased Luffy’s journey to infamy.

It highlighted the creation of Pacifista and revealed the final stages of Kuma’s operation. The chapter took us through the events of the Thriller Bark arc and the Sabaody Archipelago arc. It unveiled that during the latter arc, Kuma observed Bonney in a restaurant but chose not to approach her.

Additionally, it disclosed Kuma’s thoughts while separating the Straw Hat crew, confirming his good intentions.

Later on, it was revealed that Saint Saturn coerced Dr. Vegapunk into installing a self-destruct mechanism in Kuma in case he rebelled. Dr. Vegapunk initially disagreed but ultimately had to comply.

Before his transformation, Kuma expressed his strong belief in Luffy’s future to Dr. Vegapunk and handed over a memory bubble as promised. The chapter concluded by depicting Kuma’s final moments before rewinding to an earlier moment in the Egghead arc when Bonney discovered the memory bubble.

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What To Expect From Chapter 1103 Of One Piece?

One Piece Chapter 1103

In the next One Piece chapter, after wrapping up Kuma’s flashback, there might be a short scene showing Bonney’s immediate feelings after seeing her father’s memories. She might talk to Dr. Vegapunk to figure out if there’s any chance to bring her father back.

Then, the focus will shift back to Egghead Island, where Bonney and the Straw Hats are still captured by Saint Saturn.

Many fans think that Kuma might show up just in time to rescue his daughter, and there’s a chance the Straw Hat Grand Fleet might join the action, just like some fans predicted earlier in this story arc.