When Is Dead Mount Death Play Episode 17 Coming?

When Is Dead Mount Death Play Episode 17 Coming? Well, Dead Mount Death Play Episode 17 is scheduled to be released next week and promises to maintain the thrilling and fast-paced narrative of the second season so far. In the previous episodes, a mysterious character was behind the mass murder of Helie, and their identity remains uncertain.

The latest episode concluded with the discovery of Hisaki by Polka, also known as the Corpse God, and his companions, leaving viewers eager to find out what happens next. Episode 17 is likely to delve into key plot developments, although the outcome of the Hisaki cliffhanger remains uncertain.

It is expected that the episode will shed light on Hisaki’s motivations and actions, which will have a significant impact on the Corpse God’s journey in the human world.

If you want to find out everything about what’s coming in Episode 17 of Dead Mount Death Play, such as when it will be released and a recap of the last episode, keep reading this article until the end.

When Is Dead Mount Death Play Episode 17 Coming?

Dead Mount Death Play Episode 17

The 17th episode of the series, Dead Mount Death Play, is planned to be released on November 7, 2023. This new episode will become available at 12 a.m. Japan Standard Time (JST), which adheres to the standard release schedule for the second half of the series.

So, fans of the show can look forward to the next installment of the story on that date and time. However, please note that release dates can change due to delays or production issues.

For people who are in Japan, there are several places where you can watch this episode. It will be available on TV channels like HTB, AT-X, Tokyo MX, BS11, and KBS Kyoto.

These TV channels will broadcast the episode to viewers in Japan. For viewers outside Japan, Crunchyroll holds exclusive streaming rights to Dead Mount Death Play, and there is also an English dub available for those who prefer it.

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Recap Of Episode 16 Of Dead Mount Death Play

Dead Mount Death Play Episode 17

In the previous episode, the story kicked off with Xuyon’s heroic attempt to rescue her companions, only to face a formidable adversary in Momoya. They engaged in a fierce battle where, initially, it appeared that Xuyon might have a fighting chance.

However, Momoya unleashed a hidden and potent ability that left Xuyon in a perilous situation. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Sumiyaki entered the scene, and with the help of the Corpse God’s necromantic powers, she was miraculously brought back to life.

Meanwhile, Polka, also known as the Corpse God, and the enigmatic Hosorag figures, managed to uncover the identity of the person responsible for the chaos, revealing it to be Misaki.

The episode came to an end with the characters facing Misaki, creating a tense cliffhanger that left the viewers eagerly awaiting what happens next.

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What To Expect From Episode 17 Of Dead Mount Death Play?

Dead Mount Death Play Episode 17
Anime Corner

In Dead Mount Death Play episode 17, we can expect a significant focus on the revelation about Hisaki and how it fits into Polka’s current plans. Hisaki’s actions are likely to have a big impact on what Polka, also known as the Corpse God, intends to do next.

Additionally, the episode will likely address the aftermath of the intense battles that have taken place in recent episodes.

It will explore how the characters deal with the consequences of these battles and what their next steps will be in the near future. This episode promises to provide crucial insights into the evolving storyline and the characters’ development.