Beef Season 2 Renewed or Canceled?

Will there be Beef Season 2 or not? Let’s find out the details you need to know about the Netflix Series.

Acclaimed in the genre of thrills, drama, comedy, and of course -romance, Beef has already become one of the most binge-worthy series on Netflix. This has undoubtedly led to tons of social media gushing, fangirling, and ‘couple shipping’.

This short series of just 8 episodes follows the inevitable story of Danny Cho, a perpetually down-on-luck contractor, and Amy Lau, a successful entrepreneur – who become pretty obsessed with each other after a road rage incident.

The series highlights on how the unlikely pair’s petty pranks escalate into serious heists and crimes and the pair’s petty feud is self-consuming – affecting everyone they love.

This is one of those series that viewers will be able to devour in one sitting thanks to the tense and emotional balance with dark comedy and extremely high levels of tension building – it keeps you on the edge and by the time you know it, season 1 is over – with several of you wondering what is going to happen next?

Dramedy Devoured: Is There Beef Season 2 Anytime Soon?

Beef Season 2
Digital Spy

Although Netflix has yet to announce a renewal decision for Beef Season 2, creator Lee Sung-jin already has plans and ideas about how the show could continue – something might be cooking there!

However, the popular OTT platform wants to wait and see how the first season performs at the box office before deciding on the second – so you can hope to look at a waiting period of a few weeks or months!

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What Can We Expect from the Beef Season 2?

Beef Season 2

By the end of the first season, Danny and Amy’s story had essentially reached a climax and ultimate conclusion (We’re not giving any spoilers so you can be relieved!), and since the conclusion was reached there’s not much space for more. If the show does move forward as an anthology, we might have to say goodbye to these beloved characters but that doesn’t mean things can’t change!

The creator Lee Sung-jin revealed that for the initial pitch, he had delved into ‘multiple other beefs and other characters types to explore’.

Whether this means a rejoining of Danny and Amy, or a new emotional rollercoaster of a ride between the protagonists, and other characters – we will hopefully find out once we get the news of a renewal.

Until then, keep your popcorn ready, and hope that we can see more of Danny and Amy’s fun-filled dramedy chemistry!