Is Murder Mystery 3 Renewed By Netflix?

Netflix has not yet verified the existence of Murder Mystery 3, but if the follow-up proves to be as popular as the original was, we wouldn’t be shocked to see a third installment.

The Spitzs must solve a second mystery in Murder Mystery 2, the abduction of their buddy, the immensely rich Maharajah, at his wedding. The film’s conclusion undoubtedly leaves the door open for the Spitzs to solve yet another mysterious crime in the future.

In the Netflix Whodunit sequel, Nick and Audrey As Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston, are back on the job to find their buddy Vik after he is abducted at his wedding.

The chopper pilot who brought Nick and Audrey to the wedding delivers a suitcase full of cash as a thank-you present from Vik to Nick and Audrey after the movie for saving him.

Will Murder Mystery 3 be Released?

Murder Mystery 3

Netflix hasn’t made any announcements about Murder Mystery 3. Like everything on Netflix, the likelihood of a continuation depends on how well it performs.

It must maintain that place for a while before a threequel is approved. However, it already benefits from Sandler’s ability to follow any absurd humor with relative impunity.

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Who would appear in Murder Mystery 3?

Murder Mystery 3
Digital Spy

In Murder Mystery 3, Nick and Audrey Spitz would almost certainly be reprised by Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. A few actors might return to their previous roles, including John Kani as Colonel Ulenga, Adeel Akhtar as The Maharajah, and Dany Boon as Inspector Delacroix.

Given how the movie ends, Melanie Laurent might also reprise her role as Claudette. Only a few original cast members have been kept, so the threequel will probably feature a primarily new ensemble for a fresh mystery.

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What will Murder Mystery 3 be about?

Murder Mystery 3
NBC News

In the climactic sequence of Murder Mystery 2, Nick and Audrey foil the kidnapping plot, sparing The Maharajah from being torn to pieces midway up the Eiffel Tower.

For the couple to finally enjoy the peaceful journey and new life they have been waiting for, Vik gives them a suitcase packed with $10 million in cash as a token of his appreciation.

The pair fly in Vik’s helicopter towards Athens just before the titles roll. The captain is back in command of the plane and continues to refer to them as the Shitzs.

Nevertheless, his alien dialect has vanished. When the pilot takes their money bag and jumps out of the chopper, he leaves Nick and Audrey without money and, more importantly, a pilot.

The hunt for the aviator and the money he stole from them may pick up where the second movie left off in the third one. Nick or Audrey should be able to park the aircraft away from the Acropolis safely.