Someone I Used To Know: What Happens at the End? Do Seas and Cassidy Wed?

Finding a well-written love drama that doesn’t overdo the drama and delivers on the promise of the titular characters is always heartening.

In “Somebody I Used to Know,” which resembles a coming-of-age love drama, a few people reflect on the past to learn from their mistakes and successes and how a particular choice affected their lives. Has anything improved or worsened?

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Explanation of Ending Somebody I Used To Know

Someone I Used To Know
High on Films

Ally learns that her show has been renewed for a fourth season as she is returning to her room. Sean arrives to see her before she has time to rejoice.

After a brief exchange, it is clear that he still has low regard for her goals and considers her job aspirations immature. Was she expected to put her life on hold for him while he was only hours away from marrying another woman?

Ally meets Cassidy after the fight since it genuinely helps her understand a few things. She admits the challenging nature of her profession but encourages her to never give up on herself for a man.

The ladies put aside their differences and drew inspiration from one another’s stories and experiences in what can only be described as female solidarity.

The following morning, Sean knocks on the door while Ally is still in Cassidy’s room. He apologizes to Cassidy when she asks him about his purpose for being there.

He attributes his behavior with her to his prior experiences, and Cassidy informs him that she intends to keep playing in her band and going on tours even after they are married. Sean accepts everything. We sincerely applaud Cassidy for standing her ground, but we still find Sean’s justification pitiful.

Even Ally rejected him for her show, so we don’t think he genuinely changed; instead, he is afraid of being left alone. In any case, Ally admits to Cassidy that she invited her parents.

Although Cassidy warns her that what she did was wrong, she still pardons her. After everything has been put back in its proper place, Ally departs, but not before she and Sean make amends.

Her mother encourages her never to lose faith in herself and to work hard so that people would respect and understand her. Additionally, she says that Sean was never the ideal partner for her.

We think he was wrong for Cassidy, but Ally gets their wedding video while she is flying. Although her grin suggests that she is glad for the pair, we would have laughed if we were in her position because a person like Sean was no longer in the picture.

At the film’s conclusion, Ally is still conducting interviews and advancing her profession. Social media posts reveal Cassidy is expecting a child and traveling as planned with Sean at her side.

Additionally, Ally receives an invitation to date from her longtime infatuation, and she has progressed toward improving her relationship with her mother.