Moon Knight star Oscar Isaac Revealed Why the Character is British

Marvel Cinematic Universe’ Series ‘Moon Knight’ actor Oscar Isaac tells us why they came to make the Marvel character complete British: Saying that Marvel is creating many new york characters be it Iron fist or Spiderman.

Oscar Isaac is the leading actor in the “Moon Knight” series by Marvel Cinematic Universe. He has said in the series’s press interview that they have decided to make this character, Steven Grant British since they have created many actors from New York.

The series Moon Knight appears to release its episodes on Wednesdays on Disney+ Hotstar, this series focuses on Isaac played by Steven Grant. Isaac (moon knight) works in a gift shop where he is an employee residing in London.

What more Oscar Isaac Shared about the Character?

Oscar Isaac
Digital Spy

He has become plagued with blackouts and memories which are bothering him. Steven aka moon knight gets to know that he has dissociative identity disorder, (not schizophrenia)and shares his personality with Marc Spector.

During the series’s press conference which happened last month, Oscar Isaac said that his character was made to be an “ex-pat,” meaning a person who resides outside their native country, but as we heard he wanted to take a step ahead.

Actor Oscar Isaac then said he paid attention to his accent regarding Jewish people who reside in London such as Enfield.

Well, Oscar Isaac did not explain to us the reason behind this accent and what is the actual reason for this, Moon Knight is principally Jewish in the comics.

The “Dune” actor also told RadioTimes that he presented this idea to Kevin Feige, who approved it.

As we can see how the accent has separated the moon knight fans, Oscar Isaac told Empire (via The Mary Sue)

That the accent is like to be “weird on purpose” since it’s how to reflect an American who has developed an English accent.

Moon Knight Episode 4 will release on 20th April.

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