Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Player Cleverly Replicates Breath of the Wild Strategy

Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Updates: The genius Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword players have just recreated the practical Korok Leaf Bomb strategy game from Breath of the Wild. This action forces Link to use his control wind Korok Leaf to detonate distant bombs at distant enemies or objects.
This is just one of the many gimmicks that fans found when playing “Breath of the Wild”, and it amazed Nintendo Switch users when it was launched in 2017. Since then, players have lured Lines into a trap with his Cryonis rune, which has become Link’s trusted master class.
On the makeshift jet boat, they even obtained the legendary main sword in advance, and they only camped next to her for one night. Others use these mistakes to complete crazy attacks, such as replacing the swordmaster with a simple bomb and arrow. The simplest but most significant cheat codes for BOTW fans appear in The Legend of Zelda: Sword of the Sky HD, although their use background is slightly different here.
Reddit user AshenBlades released an impressive video yesterday that reproduced the BOTW Korok Leaf long-range bomb strategy in Skyward Sword HD on the Zelda subreddit. Here, Link used his gust bellows to detonate a bomb in Mobile and knockdown an enemy with a spear.
Although some fans in the comments section were impressed by how AshenBlades successfully reproduced Korok Leaf’s movements, others pointed out. It is not very effective in Skyward Sword, because Link can drop bombs easily due to Wii motion control.

All About Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Nintendo Life
Zelda fans returned in 2011 with an updated version of Skyward Sword HD to start Nintendo’s perennial dungeon exploration RPG series. The series was released on Switch earlier this month and achieved great success and strength. Sales.
For example, the many quality of life improvements that Skyward Sword HD brought to the original version allowed for more traditional control schemes and suppressed the notorious and annoying magic companion Fi. Therefore, players can enjoy Link’s mission to save the flying city.
Evil Doom Skyloft, who created memes and theories about how the plot of Skyward Sword will flow into the untitled sequel “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”, which is scheduled to be released sometime next year.
A link has other reasons and other ways to achieve his goal, but this is an interesting example that proves the ingenuity and intelligence of players watching the legendary Korok-Blatt remote bombing strategy in the legendary legend.
Elegance As players prepare for the next chapter of the epic Nintendo saga, Zelda: Sword of the Sky reappears the breath of wildness.

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