Secrets of the Neanderthals 2: Renewal Status and More!

Secrets of the Neanderthals is a 1.30m long documentary on Netflix, the documentary dives into the mysteries of Neanderthals and what history tell us about their lives and disappearance.

All those who have seen the simply released documentary of Netflix which is titled Secrets of the Neanderthals must be really surprised by the exceptional art of work picturized in this particular movie. They want to see more of it in the nail of the future. By that we mean that Secrets of the Neanderthals 2.

So you must definitely have The curiosity that whether they will be the sequel of this movie available to watch in front of your eyes or not.

First lets us tell you that the first part of this movie released on 2nd of May 2024 on the streaming joint Netflix and the basics story line of this particular project reads as:

A unique excavation unravels the complex and creative nature of Neanderthals, shattering preconceptions through the lens of a landmark discovery: the best-preserved Neanderthal skeleton found in over 25 years.

By reading the above the description about this movie if you haven’t seen it, yet you must be certainly going to watch it as soon as you will finish reading this article and that’s for sure.

So without making any of the delays, let us just quickly move on so that we can share with you every of the updates and details associated with the upcoming sequel of the movie for the second part!!!!!

Also Read: The Contestant 2 Renewal Status and More!

What Is the Renewal Status of Secrets of the Neanderthals?

Secrets of the Neanderthals 2

As we have already told you that the first part of the movie is recently released, so the makers haven’t to renewed it for the second part. At the time of writing, it was not renewed for the part 2.

We need to give some more time to the makers so that they can analyze the performance of the movie. And then come up with the decision that whether it will be a profitable deal or not to come up with the sequel of the movie.

We will be deciding it on the basis of reviews and viewership it will be able to earn from critics and audiences respectively.

Stay tuned and thanks for reading:)