The Most Liked “House of Cards” Stars Ranked From Lowest to Highest Following!!!

House of Cards had a run for 6 Season on Netflix, in that time period series got a huge fanbase not only the series, but stars as well and today we’re here to discuss the most liked star from the Netflix series!

The House of Cards first aired in 2013 on Netflix. This is an American political television series revolves around Frank Underwood who is a politician and wants to gain power.

This show explores the theme of power and corruption. But here are we going to discuss about the cast who has gained popularity from the show and let’s get to know who the most popular person is.

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The Most Liked “House of Cards” Stars Ranked From Lowest to Highest Following!!!

Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey is an American actor, and, in the show, he played the role of Frank Underworld who became the President of the United States. He has 602k followers.

Robin Wright

Robin Wright

Robin Wright is an American actress, and, in the show, she plays the role of Clarie Frank’s wife. She has 692k followers.

Michael Kelly

Michael Kelly

Michael Kelly is an American actor show, he played the role of Douglas who is a white House chief. He has 110k followers.

Kata Mara

Kata Mara

Kata Mara is an American actress, and, in the show, she played the role of Zoe who is a reporter. She has 497k followers.

Mahershala Ali

Mahershala Ali

Mahershala Ali is an American actor, and, in the show, he played the role of Remy who is a lawyer. He has 834k followers.

So, this is the amazing cast of House of Cards who has brought the characters to life and hope you get to know who the most popular person is.

The show has an intriguing storyline that gives a glimpse into the political world where power struggles and riots for the leadership. The storyline of this show is crafted very well has a twist and turns and has Complex characters who are ambitious and have the brains to win the World.

That’s why this has gained popularity and has five seasons the show has received many nominations for Golden Globe Awards and Prime Time Emmy Awards and some of the members have also won the awards.