Love & Translation Confirm TLC Release Date, Cast, Plot, and More!

Love & Translation is all set to be released on TLC in a few days and here are the details you need to know about the upcoming series.

The network had announced their new dating series which would bring three American men and 12 international women together on a remote island for a chance at finding love and romance – but here’s the twist: None of the 12 women speak English and neither of the men speak anything but English.

The entire catch of the series revolves around whether ‘love’ can conquer all obstacles without speaking to one another and without the use of professional translators – the beautiful singles have to count on their senses to help develop and maintain a connection and understand the power of their chemistry whilst following the laws of attraction.

The dating reality show Love & Translation is ready to set hearts on fire this January 21st as it hits TLC screens.

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What Do We Know Abou the Series Love & Translation?

Love & Translation
Yahoo Finance

Upon seeing the trailer we see that the 12 beautiful women meet three impeccable bachelors – 24year old Kahlil from Texas, 30-year-old Tripp from California, and 21-year-old Dylan from Florida – but they seem rather surprised that neither of them can communicate in a mutual language.

The trailer shows us a glimpse of one of the women speaking in Spanish with Kahlil responding with a blank “Say what?”

As the trailer explains to the audience, we see that the contestants do not get the privilege of a professional translator to lean on for help it shows them making various noises to explain their interests and disinterests and other biographical details.

However, one thing is mutual among all the contestants – finding love this is corroborated by 20-year-old Airi, who mentions that she was born to be loved and to love another person in Japanese.

A few romantic kisses and dates are shown before the mood of the trailer changes – the women criticize the bachelors and a Colombian Leidi tells us that she feels ‘humiliated’.

With challenges that include only the five senses and constant eye-gazing and attraction tests – the singles require loving feelings without communication; thus the lack of it would cause them to pack their bags and leave thus looking for lady love elsewhere.