Slip Ending Explained: Why Did All this Multiverse Slippage Happen?

The television show Slip was developed by Zoe Lister-Jones. Using the idea of the multiverse, she aims to locate the story’s main character and their ideal existence.

Despite having a loving spouse in Elijah, Mae Cannon is unsatisfied with her life and works as an assistant museum curator.

Furthermore, despite leading affluent lives as a married couple, it is evident that they do not feel completely content with one another.

Mae finally starts questioning whether she should keep leading this life by strengthening her marriage or aspire to the life she needs.

However, she quickly learns the answers to her questions as she “slips” through the universe and ends up in bed with someone from a different reality.

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Ending Explanation Of Slip.


Mae was forced to let go of all she had come to take for granted and embark on a voyage of self-discovery that allowed her to realize what she may have been if she hadn’t been married to Elijah.

The world in which Mae resides with Eric is only the first of several that she will soon visit. Every time Mae has s*x that is complete, she takes a vacation to another planet.

Yes, every orgasm with a new person transports her to a separate world where she is in a romantic relationship with the last person she had a s*xual encounter with the day before.

Through Sandy, the proprietor, and barman of the tavern where Mae previously met Eric, she first meets Eric.

They end up ripping each other’s clothes off in an s*x scene in the lavatory as things become heated between them after a deep talk.

Then, as she urgently attempts to fit the jigsaw together and discover a means to return to her old existence, she realizes that there is one consistent individual in each multiverse: the monk who attended the show.

Mae is broken and more lost than ever in the epilogue. She engages in destructive behavior. Finally, after reaching her breaking point, she finds herself next to a seat on the ground, where she begins apologizing by stating all the issues she should have dealt with a long time ago.

Lister-Jones executes the moment with unbridled vulnerability. It’s a remarkable scene.

Nevertheless, she chooses to take a stroll because she can’t sleep. At that point, she encounters Elijah. We find out that while they were hanging together a few days prior, he was in a relationship.

Elijah trusts Mae when she tells him the whole truth about what has happened to her. They eventually have s*x, and the following day Mae realizes she is back in her reality, the one she genuinely belongs in.