Predecessor PC Early Access: Gameplay, Characters, and More

A third-person perspective fantasy MOBA with action components is called Predecessor. The model is based on the Epic Games title Paragon, which is no longer available. Even the elements from the abandoned game are utilized in Predecessor, so the characters’ skills are essentially duplicated.

The gameplay is also the same, with conflicts taking place amongst the two teams of five players, each hero having three talents and a basic assault with unique abilities, and the main objective being the destruction of the opposing base.

It is important to keep in mind that Predecessor is just one of many fantasy MOBAs built on the Paragon model.

Predecessor PC Early Access


Predecessor Early Access has been published on the Epic Games Store and Steam on December 1st, the Omeda Studios team announced in a new teaser for the upcoming game. A fast-paced action game, Predecessor combines MOBA and FPS gameplay to immerse you in this action while allowing you to make smart decisions.

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Fighting for triumph in the arena against enemy champions on a conventional three-lane map with a dynamic jungle, epic beasts, and more, you and four comrades join forces in combat. Ten players are split into two teams and given a hero to handle during a match. Heroes differ from one another.

Every hero has a distinctive set of skills and features, so there is one to suit every player’s preferred playing style. Heroes execute tasks, such as eliminating enemy heroes, towers, or minions, in order to receive gold. As a hero gains more gold, they can purchase products from the store that have interesting effects on their heroes.

For example, they can travel to other places, turn invisible, stop time, and more. Items also help heroes become more strong by improving their health, attack speed, power, and a variety of other stats.

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Here Is What more CEO Robbie Singh Shared About the Game.

Epic Games

Robbie Singh, the CEO of the studio and founder, is keen to emphasize that Predecessor isn’t a remake but rather a game made to stand on its own, even though it features well-known characters.

We spoke with Singh about the game’s progress, the extensive alpha testing, what to anticipate from it when it launches, and the recent choice to switch to Unreal Engine 5.

This game is not the only one to make advantage of the free-of-charge resources provided by Epic Games after the termination of its original MOBA Paragon; Paragon: Overprime was also created from the remains of the former. But unlike Predecessor, a release date for Paragon: Overprime is still pending.

It will be amazing to find out how these two games compare graphically, but more significantly, in terms of gameplay, given that they share some assets. Each game should be able to find its own player base given the differences in the landscape, objects, advancement, store, and more.