Triviaverse Release Date, Contestants, Trailer, and More

Want to watch Triviaverse on your TV, phone, or tablet in all its splendor?  Continue reading for a list of streaming and cable providers, along with rental, buy, and subscription choices, as well as when “Triviaverse” will be accessible on each platform.

Here are some specifics regarding the family movie, before we get into the foundations of how you may watch “Triviaverse” right now.

‘Triviaverse,’ which debuts on November 8th, 2022, on Netflix stars The G movie has a length of around six minutes and has a user score of (out of 100) on TMDb, a website that compiles user reviews.

Do you want to know the story of the movie? Here is the story: “Most points win! By responding to arbitrary rapid-fire trivia questions about science, art, geography, and other topics, you may challenge a friend or defeat an enigmatic foe “.

Also Read: The Final Score Release Date, Cast, Plot, and More

More About Triviaverse


Beginning on November 8th, 2022, watch the entire film digitally or on demand.

Neal Brennan’s most recent comedy spectacular features him moving actual blocks about the stage to demonstrate the emotional and cultural problems that he feels are the cause of his sense of being unwell.

Brennan provides the audience with an honest and amusing glimpse into his brain, covering everything from his delicate connection with his dog Keith, drugs and alcohol, liberalism, and his limited prospects of finding true eternal love.

The show’s description reads, “Highest score wins! Answer a series of arbitrary rapid-fire trivia questions about physics, art, geography, and other topics to challenge a friend or defeat an enigmatic foe.

Inferring from this description that it will be more of an “in-house” production and comparable to “Trivia Quest” but without the “Trivia Crack” branding In the upcoming weeks, a trailer and further details are anticipated.

Charlie Brooker, the creator of Black Mirror, previously created an interactive game called “Cat Burglar” for Netflix, which substituted a series of quick-fire questions for a typical “Choose Your Own Adventure”-style narrative in order to advance the plot.

The player only has three lives in “Cat Burglar,” which is distinct from prior interactive experiences in that each time you replay a scenario or the game, it will be somewhat different.

It’s also noteworthy to notice that the branding on the artwork for interactive shows has changed after Cat Burglar from the traditional “Interactive” to “Trivia” to emphasize the variety of interactive performances offered.