A$AP Rocky Charged For Holding Firearm In Hollywood Shooting, Almost After 9 Months!

After almost 9 Months A$AP Rocky is charged for holding a firearm (gun) in Hollywood Shooting, Let’s find out more details about the incident.

The life of celebrities is not as easy as we can think. Whether it is related to their personal life or even their professional one, we know that they have to struggle and cope with everything.

Sometimes it becomes quite hard to survive in the glamour and popularity. If we talk about any celebrity who is going through one of their harder time then it is going to be A$AP Rocky. The rapper is charged with an assault with a firearm almost after 9 months after the Hollywood shooting.

It is going to be very hard for A$AP Rocky and Rihanna and also their baby as the rapper was charged with having a firearm. We know that he got arrested on 20 April over the shooting that happened on 6 November 2021. It was then on 15 August that he was charged over the incident.

It is now officially confirmed that the office filed charges against A$AP Rocky for two counts of assault with a firearm and also the personal use of a firearm. He was allegedly fired more than once by one of his former friends in Hollywood.

Also Read: Rihanna is Anxious over A$AP Rocky’s Court Hearing

All The Allegations are proved, right on A$AP Rocky?

A$AP Rocky
Trend Fool

When he arrived at the airport on 20 April then he instantly got arrested. He was later on released on bail. According to the district attorney George: “Discharging a gun in a public place is a serious offense that could have ended with tragic consequences not only for the person targeted but also for innocent bystanders visiting Hollywood.”

He also said that his office has conducted a thorough review of the evidence related to the case. And that is the reason why special firearm allegations were warranted.

When it comes to A$AP Rocky then he was not disturbed by all these dramas. He is right now performing all over Europe with the support of his girlfriend Rihanna. He is right now very happy in his life as he welcomed his first child with Rihanna on 13 May 2022 in Los Angeles. But when it comes to their feeling about Rihanna then she is quite anxious and nervous about it.

According to the source of HollywoodLife, it was said that: “She was completely shocked when they were approached by law enforcement. Rihanna never imagined she’d be involved with something like this and especially not with her pregnancy and everything else going on”

Rihanna definitely does not want things to go down. She cares a lot about A$AP Rocky and also her child and that is the reason why she doesn’t want any kind of fuss in their life.

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