Donald Trump urges countries to seek remedy from China over COVID-19

Former US President Donald Trump called on the United States and all countries on Saturday to demand compensation from China for the damage caused by COVID-19.

Trump delivered a speech at the Republican Convention in North Carolina, saying: “It is time for the United States and the world to seek damages and liability from the Chinese Communist Party. We must unanimously declare that China must pay the price. They have to pay.”

He also emphasized that the United States should take immediate action to impose 100% tariffs on all Chinese products, which may prevent its withdrawal and transfer many companies to the United States.

The former US president also said that before the “Chinese virus”, he had a very good relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping and that China did not care much about the current President Joe Biden.

“In addition, countries must work together to give China at least US $10 trillion to make up for the losses caused, and this is a very low number, and the losses are much greater. As the first step, all countries should jointly cancel all debts owed to China as the down payment for compensation,” he said at the meeting.

Trump added, “The countries of the world should no longer owe any money to China. China has destroyed so many countries… the money China owes to the countries of the world… these countries have been destroyed”.

Trump also criticized the “shyness” and “corruption” of the Biden administration, accusing it of stopping earlier investigations into the origin of COVID-19.

Trump said, “Joe Biden and his family took millions of dollars from the CCP. They bought it, they questionably lied to American voters about it … big technology and fake news media wouldn’t talk about it.”

When analyzing Anthony Fauci, Chief Medical Officer of the White House, he said: “Fauci first said forcefully, ‘Don’t wear a mask’, do you remember? Without a mask, then he put on a mask and then went into the aggressive concealer. But perhaps Fauci has never been more wrong than denying the virus and its origin.”

Earlier this month, a report in The Wall Street Journal stated that three researchers from Wuhan’s China Institute of Virology went to the hospital after becoming ill in November 2019, one month earlier than Beijing reported the first patient with similar symptoms of COVID.

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