Believer 3 Netflix Renewal Status and More!

Will there be Believer 3 or not of Netflix movie? Let’s find out the details you need to know about the Netflix film.

Believer 2 was released on 5 October 2023, and since then fans have been going crazy about Part 3 of the movie, and here we’ve gathered the information you need to know about the Netflix movie.

The debut film was released way back in 2018 with a focus on a police detective who was determined and driven to catch the head of Asia’s biggest drug cartel – the movie, of course, turned out to be a hit and found a fanbase thanks to it’s gritty and grueling storytelling.

And that’s how a part 2 took birth!

However, although expectations were at an all-time high for part 2, it could not beat and overtake the first part despite a solid performance and a good overall plotline.

This eventually led to mixed reviews, speculations, and of course a ton load of hubba-bubba confusion over the matter of significance: Will there be a third season?

Netflix’s Plans from Believer 3 Is It In or Is It Out?

Believer 3

As of now, there isn’t an official statement on the possibility of a Believer 3 – but we all know that the future depends on the second film. If it manages to perform well then a green signal for a third season might not be out of the books after all.

However, according to the Netflix Top 10, the second movie did manage to crack the top ten in 37 countries and has also managed to remain in the global top 10 for two whole weeks since its release.

Currently, it’s gracing at #2 position in the ‘Non-English’ films top 10 – with a whopping 12,300,000 watch-hours.

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What Could the Believer 3 Movie All About?

Believer 3
South China Morning Post


Let’s be honest, the second movie already had a pretty thrilling ending where Rak confessed to killing Mr. Lee and avenging his parents. Ready for a proper death, Rak forces Won-Ho to kill him.

However, Won-Ho (the man with blood on his hands) does not have to live forever with his guilt – he is immediately shot upon exiting the cabin; the murder being a grave retaliation for Rak’s death.

With this, the second film pretty much ends all ties for any major plot holes. This goes to say that there isn’t much left for a third film.