Criminal Record Apple TV+ Confirm Release Date, Cast, and More!

Criminal Records has been created by BAFTA nominee Paul Rutman, who has also been credited with series such as Vera and Indian Summers. The series boasts of an eight-episode must-watch fiesta with Pete Capaldi along with a stellar cast that includes Cush Jumbo, Dionne Brown, and Shaun Dooley.

What is the Series Criminal Record All About?

Criminal Record

The series Criminal Record is set in contemporary London, thereby the crime-thriller drama focuses on two detectives in various professional phases. Pete Capaldi’s character ‘Daniel Hegarty’ is a distinguished, experienced detective who has been challenged by a young female detective ‘June Lenker’ over a murder case.

However, eager and desperate to protect his image and reputation, Daniel finds himself rather involved in a struggle against Lenker – the series is based on a polarized Britain that deals with sensitive topics like race, corruption, and discrimination.

Thus, the story starts with a brawl between two flawless detectives with Lenker receiving a random, anonymous phone call that relates to an old murder case.

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Who Is Cast in the Series?

Criminal Record

AppleThe crime-thriller series includes an ensemble cast includes Charlie Creed-Miles, Dionne Brown, Shaun Dooley, Stephen Campbell Moore, Zoë Wanamaker, Rasaq Kukoyi, Maisie Ayres, Aysha Kala, Cathy Tyson, and Tom Moutchi.

Apple TV+ seems to be going in the right direction with the release of this series as we have high expectations from the series. Criminal Records has seemingly come under a ‘must-watch’ for thriller cum drama fans.

When we talk about the release of the series in January, the first two episodes are supposed to be released on January 12, while the subsequent ones will be available every Friday.

What does this mean? Well, this means that by February 23rd, the season finale will be done and dusted!

Are you excited about the series? We certainly are!