Taylor Swift Spotted At Dinner With HAIM Before 1989 TV Release!

Taylor Swift was spotted recently having dinner with the band HAIM in Los Angeles at a restaurant on this Wednesday. The two personalities are considered to be close friends and they have collaborated on their type of music in the past.

Taylor Swift and HAIM were seen having dinner at the corner of the restaurant. They were seen enjoying their time together as they were laughing smiling and talking over many things all in all both seemed in good mood and high spirits. Swift was wearing an all-black dress as HAIM was seen in casuals.

This dinner comes just a few days before the release of Taylor’s new album “1989(TV Version)”.

What’s Special About this Album?

Taylor Swift
Rolling Stone

This album is basically a re-recording of her fifth studio ever “1989”. She has been doing this with her albums since Scooter Braun music manager who has been her foe for a very long period of time acquired the masters of her first ever six albums

It might be possible that Taylor Swift along with HAIM were celebrating the upcoming album “1989” at dinner or maybe just simply checking upon each other and enjoying each other’s presence. They might be talking about their life career, personal lives, or simply whatever passes through their mind at that time.

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What’s Cooking Between Taylor Swift and HAIM?

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift and HAIM might be planning to release a new collaboration for which they need to discuss out many things so they thought to discuss it over dinner it is possible they might release soon that might be a song-video, music, or maybe a joint tour together.

Maybe Taylor Swift wants to bring HAIM as the guest for “1989” as she is well known for bringing up anyone randomly so it is quite possible she might invite HAIM to perform with her on her new album. To celebrate the release and show their friendship to their fans.

Whatever the reason it is clearly evident that Taylor Swift and HAIM count themselves as close friends. Only time will tell what was the main purpose of their meet-up one thing is sure their fans are excited to see them together.