Destiny 2: Ending and Post-Credits Scene Mean?

Destiny 2 Updates: Destiny 2 is a multiplayer first-person looter-shooter in which players are armed with an assortment of guns and abilities fighting off assorted alien species while trying to protect the solar system and the mysterious Traveller. A glitch in one player’s finisher preview on Destiny 2 makes it a lot more painful.
While the storyline and execution are serious in nature, that doesn’t stop the game from letting its players do some ridiculous things, whether on purpose or by complete accident.
It regularly adds new content for the MMO’s long-time players to keep people interested in the game. Since the launch of Destiny 2: Shadow keep, players could use finishers, special flashy attacks that could be used to finish off weakened enemies. Each class received its own special finishing move, but more can be collected and equipped just like the game emotes.
The GamePhysics Reddit, user TJSincara posted a recording of their character performing one of the game’s finishers, Perfect Ten, in a preview. The character is off for several seconds, with the training dummy getting kicked back by thin air.

Destiny 2: Ending Explained

The Wrap
Again when the finisher repeats itself, the character model is brought back up only for their entire body to spasm and twirl rapidly in the air as if being controlled by a puppeteer with too much caffeine. People commenting on the post agree with the aptly named finisher.
It gave them the horrifying spasms of the player a perfect ten out of ten. After this, the character disappears again for good, flying back down off-screen into the depths of hell where it came from.
Bungie’s addition of Finishers was for players to find more entertainment in their combat but it’s doubtful that this is what they had in mind.
Perhaps the developers can even make this abomination an official Emote or Finisher down the line. Either way, fans will get a chuckle out of Destiny 2’s remorseful disregard for the laws of physics.

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