The Good Doctor Season 4: Glimpse of David Shore’s Interview Revealing Some facts

The Good Doctor Season 4 Updates: The Good Doctor is the show that just dives first into the COVID19 pandemic scenario on Monday’s season four premiere.

The tile of the episodes goes like ‘Frontline’. Can be considered as a tribute to our frontline workers in this global pandemic. This episode follows Dr. Shaun Murphy and the rest of the doctors across several months.

They just contend with the devastating crisis and it’s a severe impact on their lives. This episode also witnesses Shaun and Lea handling separation in the early phase of their relationship. Dr. Audrey Lim and Dr. Claire Brown just juggle pressure if their jobs. In addition to the grief of Dr. Neil Melendez, who just dies in the third season finale.

But the thing is they all still stuck in the middle of a pandemic. Which till it has no sight of the end. Fortunately enough, that the season does not remain in the same state for too long. During the third episode, ABC‘s drama just turns the attention of the audience towards a major plotline.

The top appealing is Shaun and Lea’s new relationship. This time season will explore how Shaun and other surgical residents reveal out to be superiors. There will be the introduction of some first-year residents too.

The Good Doctor Season 4: A glimpse of Interview with David Shore :

The Good Doctor Season 4
Image Source: Country Living Magazine

During an interview David Shore expresses. “I am always excited to witness Dr. Murphy in a new context. And I know Freddie is too, so he is somewhat excited.” David Shore is the showrunner of The Good Doctor by ABC studios.

David’s future expresses “When you are working on some idea. You set to put your head down and just get to work upon it. One is just aware of all emotional responses, beware of them. And ties to embrace them with bringing them out for the audience.”

According to him, he wants to witness more of Shaun in a relationship. That in will be able to live his life with somebody. No need for marriage or engagement just likes him/her.

Lea and Shaun’s relationship and the challenges they face, just above the limits. Andrew this time may develop some new connections with one of the new residents.  This may become the key part of the show’s storyline.


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