There is also some kind of thriller series that released in past few years and there are also some series that are waiting to get released.

If we talk about any thriller series that is about to release in the month of April then there are a lot of names that we can include.

. It is an American television series that is created by Silka Louisa. It is based on a novel that was released in 2013.

We are going to see a lot of big names in the series including Wagoner Moura and Elisabeth.

The distributor of the series is Apple on the other side the production is in the hands of MRC television and Love And Squalor Pictures.

When it comes to the release of this series then a little bit of the series has already been shown. It was done on 11 March 2022

If we talk about its official release then it is going to get released on 29 April 2022.