When Tom Hanks Rejected When Harry Met Sally.

When Harry Met Sally star Rita Wilson claims Tom Hanks turned down the Role for an unexpected reason.

Unquestionably, one of the most recognizable romantic drama films ever is When Harry Met Sally. Nora Ephron wrote the movie’s screenplay, while Rob Reiner was in charge of its direction.

Meg Ryan played Sally, Billy Crystal played Harry, and their chemistry together on film was palpable. The film undoubtedly became a huge smash.

Hanks’s 35-year-old wife Rita Wilson stated on a podcast this week that the actor declined the classic rom-com “When Harry Met Sally” due to his thoughts about divorce.

According to Rita Wilson, Tom Hanks fell a central part in the 1989 film “When Harry Met Sally” because of how his own love life was at the time.

Hanks was offered the Role of Harry Burns, according to Wilson, a former editor at large for HuffPost, who appeared on Tuesday’s episode of the podcast “Table for Two with Bruce Bozzi.”

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Rita Wilson Revealed Why Tom Hanks Turned Down the Role.

Tom Hanks
Entertainment Tonight

Rita further disclosed that Hanks turned down the part because he was content with his divorce. Tom Hanks “turned it down because he was going through a divorce, and he was delighted to be not married,” Rita said in her explanation.

He could not see why someone going through a divorce would experience anything but pure happiness. Wilson later on. Billy Crystal eventually took up the Role of Harry Burns.

When Harry Met Sally was one of 25 films that the Library of Congress announced would be added to the National Film Registry in 2022.

Actress Samantha Lewes and Tom Hanks divorced in 1987 after their 1978 wedding. Colin Hanks and Elizabeth Hanks were the couple’s two joint offspring.

Later, in 1988, Tom wed Rita Wilson. Truman Hanks and Chet Hanks are their two children that were born later. Wilson claimed that Hanks declined a part in the movie because the main character was still reeling from a divorce.

Hanks was experiencing a divorce and was extremely content not to be wed. Another intriguing aspect of the film The Story of When Harry Met Sally originally had a different resolution, with Harry and Sally ending up apart rather than getting together.

The first conclusion of the movie was affected by the fact that both the writer and the director were going through divorces at the time it was being made. Reiner modified the ending to a cheerful one after getting to know Michele Singer, his wife at the time.