Star Wars Visions Season 2 Ending Explained with Its Lightest and Soft Episode.

Star Wars Visions Season 2 was released on 4th May 2023. The final chapter wraps everything up nicely and leaves the door open for more if it is renewed.

Some of this might be attributed to the work of the African animation firm Triggerfish, which provides a sweetly cuddly appearance.

Yet, even at its heart, the story conveys a sense of gentle understanding, love, pride, and purpose after realizing you’re in a world where you don’t truly belong.

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Star Wars Visions Season 2 Ending Explained

Star Wars Visions Season 2
Entertainment Weekly

Aau, our protagonist, is introduced while she harvests berries in nature. She becomes very excited when she sees a spaceship approaching her house one day.

The ship belongs to an outsider who has always piqued her interest. Her father, Abat, attempts to calm her down, but Aau can’t stop herself.

Abat and his colleagues appear to be kyber crystal mining professionals. These crystals are some of the galaxy’s most sought-after gems, and the Jedi utilize them to craft lightsabers.

Their guest is, in fact, a Jedi. Aau sneaks over to see what the Jedi, Kratu, and her father are doing. Kratu is carrying a tainted crystal with her. Corrupted crystals glow red and are used by Sith Lords.

When Aau senses the crystal calling her, she begins to sing, and the crystal responds. She stops before anything happens.

Kratu notices Aau has potential Force powers and attempts to persuade her to become a Jedi like her. Abat is hesitant; he wishes to keep her daughter at home. Abat leaves towards the mine. There’s a whole vein of tainted crystals there.

Aau follows her father inside, and it appears that her presence is causing the crystals to react negatively. Kratu and Abat strive to keep order, but the mountain is on fire.

On the other hand, Aau uses her singing voice, but this time she sings with all of her lung force. The melody is so strong that it clears the mountain’s crystals.

Kratu said she had never seen anything like that. She proposes that she may help Aau strengthen, but she must accompany her. Aau agrees. Her father bids her farewell with pride since Aau is the first of their kind to reach the skies.

As delightful and beautiful as this episode is, it suffers a little from its place in the anthology, presenting yet another narrative of a Young innocent being compelled to leave their homes and loved ones to find purpose in the greater world.