Annabelle: Creation – Is it real story of the doll’s origin?

Annabelle: Creation has been released on Netflix this week and the fans of horror movies and the Conjuring Universe are really enjoying the movie. One question always remains among the fans of the Conjuring Series about the origin of the possessed doll Annabelle and I think is one of the best answers to their quest.

Although the story of Annabelle: Creation is true or not it’s also a question as per the director, David F. Sandberg who is also the director of the upcoming movie from DCEU Shazam 2 had not answered the question if the story of the movie is related any real-life incidents or not.

Is Annabelle: Creation is the true story?

The Story of the movie revolves around the family of Samuel Mullins who is a dollmaker and his wife Esther as their seven-year-old daughter named Annabelle died in an accident and her soul got trapped in a doll.

After 12 years when Samuel Mullins opens his house to provide shelter to Sister Charlotte and six other homeless girls. The revolves around the creation of the Annabelle doll and the paranormal things that happen with the six girls main lead is Janice who is also an orphan and disabled due to polio and at last, she has been possessed by the Annabelle doll and we can see her taking the name of Annabelle Higgins.

Annabelle: Creation reviews
New Life Cinema

So, as per the sources, the story is fiction and it does not have any connection with the real story of the origin of the Annabelle Doll only a few names have been taken from the real story of the Annabelle doll. In reality, the doll was cam in contact with Ed and Lorraine in 1970 who had said that a girl by the name of Annabelle Higgins have possessed the doll of two roommates at Monroe, Connecticut.

And the actual story is really very different from the story of Annabelle: Creation.
If you want to know more about the Annabelle Doll, you can read the information at HistoryVSHollywood.

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