Mass Effect: The Reapers & Collectors Might Have THIS Trait in Common

Mass Effect Updates: In Mass Effect games, Commander Shepard’s ultimate enemy is the Reaper fleet, the ultimate machine that wants to destroy all civilized life, but is this really what the Reapers are trying to do?

These giant machines are not necessarily mindless destroyers; in fact, Catalyst doesn’t even see the extinction cycle as war. This is a project. Which looks destructive.

The reaper is the unchanging truth and the eternal. As biological species develop, form empires, and face extinction in an endless cycle within the galaxy, Reapers take advantage of this cycle to enrich their species.

Instead of sacrificing biological aliens, they are trying to collect these. In this sense, they are collectors like their true collector minion, far and away from the Omega 4 relay.

Reaper attempts to create a new Reaper from humans.

Reapers are a species, and the wider Impact Universe isn’t afraid to draw serious parallels between creatures and machines. Because he is thinking of making, man a reaper. For example, the Geth’s are considered a rather synthetic race of an army of robots, and therefore the term “species” is not unique to biological life.

Geth can adapt and grow mechanically, as can their programming. Meanwhile, Reapers are even closer to imitating biological life, as their bodies aren’t purely mechanical.


As explained by EDI in Mass Effect 2, a Reaper comprises fused masses that are compressed and become a machine, merging into a Reaper; therefore, Reapers are the machine/biological hybrids.

Reapers “breed” when they bite large numbers of people from a single alien race, and during Commander Shepard’s time, Reapers attempt to create a new Reaper from humans. So the race to collect insects kidnapped so many settlers; presumably, they intended to cut the earth to provide the raw materials needed to take down the human reaper.

Mass Effect: Human species best suited for making reapers

During Mass Effect 3 the Catalyst mentions the Reapers preserve the harvested race as Reapers. In this sense, the reapers become the archivists, forever preserving an alien species within their bodies.

It’s a two-stage process, one that Commander Shepard interrupted in Mass Effect 2 when he fought and destroyed the Human Reaper Embryo at the Collector’s Base.

When collectors are trying to figure out which species are best suited to create a new reaper, and during the 2180s, they determined humans were the best candidates. Thus, they kidnap thousands of humans from the colonies in the Terminus system and plan to attack Earth at some point.

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