Months after facing harsh criticism for remarks she made at the Met Gala about reducing weight for the occasion

Kim Kardashian demonstrated to followers the “painful” process she undergoes to “tighten” her tummy.

The reality star Kim Kardashian displayed the results of a scan that determined her “bone density & body fat % & all the nice things to make sure you are fit and healthy

later that day. Kim said, “Takes around 7 minutes to gather all the retails and perform the body scan,” in a different set of Instagram Story pictures.

Kim said that after having a scan, her bones are “stronger than 93-97 percent of others.” Additionally, during this scan, her body fat percentage decreased from 25 percent

Like playing a part, She said to her pal La La Anthony on the red carpet, “I was determined to fit.

You can check out some recent posts of Kim Kardashian here

Kim donned the renowned Bob Mackie gown that the late Marilyn Monroe wore in 1962 when she sang “Happy Birthday” to President John F. Kennedy at the occasion in New York

The outfit couldn’t be “altered at all,” so “it was this or nothing,” Kim said at the time. “I would wear a sauna suit twice a day, exercise on the treadmill

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