How Hurricane Fiona made worst situation in Puerto Rico?

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Hurricane Fiona landed in Puerto Rico as a tropical storm, but it didn’t stay that way.

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It left devastation in its wake, and people are still struggling to put their lives back together after the destruction caused by the storm

Hurricane Fiona

Credit:- WSJ

which only got worse because of an already impossible political situation in the island territory. Fortunately, Puerto Rico isn’t facing this alone; U.S.


Puerto Rico has a complicated history as an unincorporated territory of the United States and its people have been at odds with their treatment by the United States for years.

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What is happening in Puerto Rico?

This all came to a head when Hurricane Maria, one of the worst natural disasters in American history, caused complete devastation on its shores.

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And now that Hurricane Fiona is threatening to cause more damage to a recovering region, how will this affect what was already one of America's most vulnerable populations?

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In a normal year, anywhere from 12 to 20 tropical systems would form over the Atlantic. These storms are less frequent than those in say, the Gulf of Mexico, which are aided by warmer waters.

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Tropical storms have always been one of Puerto Rico's concerns with hurricane season but this year seems worse than ever.

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Hurricane Fiona was a massive storm that caused widespread damage and flooding on Puerto Rico for days after it made landfall as a category 4 hurricane on September 18th 2017.

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