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Gigi Hadid and actor Leonardo DiCaprio have been spotted at the same hotel.

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As per rumors, The 27-year-old model is Dating 47 old actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

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Gigi Hadid is right now busy in Paris Fashion Week.

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But at the same time, she is enjoying the company of her boyfriend in between work.

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According to some reports, they both are very much interested in each other.

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Camila the ex of the actor Leonardo DiCaprio is not at all bothered about these things now.

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Whereas, Zayn Malik then he is very much upset with it.

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Despite the rumors, the couple is not worried about these false rumors.

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Gigi Hadid is right now focusing on her career rather than giving attention to the rumors.

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The Oscar winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio is also working on her future.