Julia Garner to Star in “New Fantastic Four” Movie!

Julia Garner has joined the cast of The Fantastic Four, she’ll be playing the role of Shalla-Bal, Shalla Bal is known as a version of Silver Surfer!

As soon as our favorite celebrities announced their arrival in any of the new movies or series we got super excited about the New roles that they were going to take up in the upcoming movies or series and wanted to know every detail about that upcoming project. So today in this article we are going to share some news about the new project Julia Garner.

Yes, she is all set to enter the marble universe and will be coming up brand new series of the Marvel universe about which we are going to talk about in this particular article.

So if you don’t want to miss any of the updates all you need to do is keep on reading this article till the end and you will have all of the information in front of your eyes!!!!

What Role Will Julia Garner Will Be Playing In The Fantastic Four?

Julia Garner
Rolling Stone

First of all latest tell you the title of the project in which we are going to see Julia Garner. The title of the project is The Fantastic Four. Julia Garner is set to play the role of Shalla-Bal, a version of the iconic Silver Surfer character in the upcoming Marvel movie.

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When the New Marvel Is Going to Be Released?

Julia Garner

According to some sources, the movie is all set to come up on the screens of all the fans eagerly waiting for it by July 2025 as announced by the makers.

The character that Julia Garner is all set to play in the upcoming movie first appeared alongside the four astronauts-turned-superheroes in 1968 as the lover of Silver Surfer Norrin Radd.

The fans are super excited that Julia is joining the Marvel universe because of her experience and marvelous performances in her previous projects.

Stay Updated and thanks for reading:)