Madame Web Ending Explained? Is Ezekiel Sims Dead?

Madame Web Ending Explained: Sony’s Madame Web movie introduces four characters related to Spider-Man into their Marvel universe. At the end of the movie, it lays the groundwork for more superhero adventures.

The story concludes with Cassandra Webb successfully rescuing three teenage girls – Julia Cornwall, Mattie Franklin, and Anya Corazon – from Ezekiel Sims.

Sims is the man responsible for Cassandra’s mother’s death and gains superpowers from a spider in the Peruvian Amazon. However, Cassandra transforms, unlocking her full range of powers and aligning more closely with the character of Madame Web from Marvel Comics.

The three girls are taken in by Madame Web, ensuring their futures as Spider-Man heroes. While the movie doesn’t delve into the origin stories of the girls, it hints at Julia becoming Spider-Woman, Mattie becoming Spider-Woman, and Anya becoming Spider-Girl in future appearances.

Ultimately, the ending of Madame Web sets the stage for a new aspect of Sony’s Spider-Man Universe, featuring characters with spider-like abilities. For a detailed exploration of the Madame Web end, continue reading this article.

What Is the Movie Madame Web All About?

Madame Web
Digital Spy

In the Madame Web movie, we don’t get to see how Julia Cornwall, Mattie Franklin, and Anya Corazon become superheroes. Although Ezekiel tries to stop them from becoming heroes, we only catch glimpses of their future superhero selves in his and Cassie’s visions.

Also, we can guess they gained powers between 2003 and 2013, hinted at by a scene where Ezekiel shows sketches of them to someone, suggesting they age by 5–10 years. Ezekiel’s vision of his death likely happened around 2013, so they must have powers by then.

It’s unclear exactly how they get their powers, but it could be linked to a spider Ezekiel brought from the Amazon to New York City. Madame Web or the girls might have made their superhero suits, but it’s not explained when or how. During a fight, Cassie gets hit and becomes blind and paralyzed, indicating permanent disability.

Madame Web’s appearance and Cassie’s condition resemble Marvel Comics, setting up the story for Peter Parker’s Spider-Man. The movie hints at Peter’s birth but doesn’t confirm his name. Since the movie is set in 2003, it doesn’t fit into existing Spider-Man movie timelines.

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Madame Web Ending Explained: How Madame Web Defeated Ezekiel Sims? Is Ezekiel Sims Dead?

Madame Web
Yahoo Finance

At the end of the movie, Cassie leads the girls to an unstable warehouse filled with explosive charges. This warehouse was shown earlier in the movie.

The plan is to trap Ezekiel, their enemy, and escape. Cassie uses her clairvoyance to guide Ezekiel onto a metal walkway that she knows will collapse.

When it does, he falls and gets crushed by debris from the building and its sign. The ending suggests that Ezekiel Sims died from his injuries in the fall and being crushed. It’s uncertain if Ezekiel has the same durability as Spider-Man, who survived being crushed under a building in another famous scene.

Throughout the movie, Ezekiel’s goal is to kill the girls who supposedly would kill him in the future, but this doesn’t happen.

Instead, Madame Web kills Ezekiel, altering the future. Earlier in the movie, Cassie demonstrated her ability to change fate when she saved a pigeon from dying in a vision. This establishes that Madame Web can not only foresee the future but also influence and alter it.