Captain Tsubasa Episode 20 Uruguay vs. Germany Match!

When Is Captain Tsubasa Episode 20 Coming? Well, In the upcoming Captain Tsubasa episode 20, set to be released sometime in February 2024, viewers can expect to see more action from the match between Uruguay and Germany.

In the previous episode, the focus was on what happened after the match between Argentina and Japan. However, this time, the spotlight shifts to the semifinal match between Uruguay and Germany, as it features some prominent players.

Just as the last episode highlighted the skills of Juan Diaz and Tsubasa, this one will shine a light on Uruguay’s Ramon Victorino and Germany’s Karl Heinz Schneider.

Additionally, the episode will showcase the strength of the German defense, particularly with the appearance of Deuter Muller, which is a significant moment in the match so far.

Episode 20 promises to delve deeper into the game, providing more excitement and insight. So, keep reading this article to learn more about the release date, a recap of the previous episode, and what to expect from the upcoming episode of Captain Tsubasa.

When Is Captain Tsubasa Episode 20 Coming?

Captain Tsubasa Episode 20

The next episode of Captain Tsubasa, Episode 20, is set to come out on Sunday, February 18, 2024, at 5:30 pm Japan Standard Time. You can catch it on TV Tokyo if you’re in Japan.

This episode will reveal more about Tsubasa and his friends in the Junior Youth arc. If you’re watching from another country, you can stream it on Crunchyroll, but you’ll need to pay a subscription fee.

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Recap Of Episode 19 Of Captain Tsubasa

Captain Tsubasa Episode 20

In the latest episode of Captain Tsubasa, the focus was on what happened after the Japan versus Argentina match, but the main attention was on the game between Uruguay and Germany. This match was significant for Uruguay to get more attention in the story.

The episode also highlighted the strength of the German team. Ramon Victorino, Uruguay’s top player, proved to be a tough challenge for the Germans. However, Karl Heinz Schneider, Germany’s star player, wasn’t as dominant as usual, and the episode gave more attention to other players.

Some German players talked to Wakabayashi from the Japanese team during the match, but the standout was their defense. Goalkeeper Deuter Muller had his debut and performed exceptionally well, showing the strength of the German team’s defense.

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What To Expect From Episode 20 Of Captain Tsubasa?

Captain Tsubasa Episode 20

In episode 20 of Captain Tsubasa, we’ll likely see more of the Uruguay vs. Germany match. The spotlight will also be back on Tsubasa and the Japanese team.

We can expect the episode to show what happens after the match and how they get ready for the next one. Since Japan made an awesome comeback, the episode will probably focus on the team’s thoughts and preparations for the upcoming match.