Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22 Ending Explained: Does Canute Accept Thorfinn’s Proposal?

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22 Ending Explained: In Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22 titled ‘Emperor of Rebellion’ or ‘The King of Rebellion,’ something intense happens.

Thorfinn, one of the main characters, gets brutally beaten by one of the guards who work for the King. This guard wants Thorfinn to give up and quit.

Despite the injuries he suffers, Thorfinn doesn’t give up. He not only keeps going, but he also convinces another person named Wulf that he deserves a chance to meet Canute, who is an important figure. Then, something surprising happens.

When the King and Thorfinn meet each other, two other characters named Einar and Wulf are shocked to find out that Thorfinn was the one who cut the King’s face a few years ago. This adds an unexpected twist to the story.

To find out more about what happened at the end of ‘Vinland Saga’ season 2 episode 22, you’ll have to read this article till the end to know everything about the ending of Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22.

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A Brief Recap Of Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22
Anime Corner

In Episode 22 Of Vinland Saga Season 2, Thorfinn makes a daring decision in the presence of Einar and Snake.

He allows one of the King’s guards to repeatedly beat him up under a specific condition: if he can withstand 100 hits, he will be granted the opportunity to meet Canute.

Einar watches in horror as this unfolds, while Snake arrives and realizes the gravity of the situation.

Suddenly, one punch knocks Thorfinn unconscious, and Snake rushes to his side, shocked by Thorfinn’s sacrifice for the sake of the farm. Snake can hardly believe that Thorfinn has gone to such extreme lengths.

Meanwhile, Wulf observes the scene from a distance, trying to comprehend the kind of person Thorfinn is. Despite the intense pain, Thorfinn refuses to give up. He gets back on his feet and urges the guard to continue striking him.

The guard becomes angered and feels insulted, but no matter how hard he tries, he fails to break Thorfinn’s determination.

Later, Wulf asks Thorfinn why he didn’t use his remarkable skills to defeat the guard. Thorfinn reveals a profound truth: as someone who carries a message of peace, he cannot engage in violence, even when provoked.

This revelation provides a glimpse into the complex character of Thorfinn and his unwavering commitment to his principles.

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Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22 Ending Explained: Does Canute Accept Thorfinn’s Proposal?

Vinland Saga Season 2 Episode 22

After Wulf grants Thorfinn permission to meet the King, Thorfinn goes to Canute to inform him about the recent events. Canute listens to the whole story and finally agrees to meet Thorfinn. A few minutes later, the two come face to face after many years.

Canute expresses regret and believes that Thorfinn must hate him for making him a slave. He also mentions what happened to Askeladd, showing his remorse.

However, Thorfinn holds no resentment towards the King and expresses gratitude for being alive, despite once drawing a blade against Danish royalty.

This revelation surprises Wulf, as he introduces Canute to Thorfinn Karlsefni, a man known to be an equal match for Thorkell in combat.

Thorfinn apologizes for the scar on the King’s face, leaving Einar shocked to learn that his peaceful friend once raised a weapon against royalty.

After exchanging greetings, Thorfinn politely asks Canute to leave the farm. The King resists, highlighting that it was Ketil and his men who initiated the conflict.

Thorfinn doesn’t defend his actions but argues that Canute has already caused great damage and loss of life on the farm, which will take years to repair.

Einar, filled with anger, refuses to let Canute take away the farm, as he has already suffered enough at the hands of royalty.

Thorfinn then questions whether Canute still believes in his dream of creating a peaceful heaven on earth. Canute doesn’t provide a direct answer but instead asserts his power as the chief of Vikings chiefs.

He claims to possess unimaginable powers but fails to stop the sea waves, acknowledging his powerlessness in the face of God’s control.

Canute argues that he and his men are savages who bring chaos and destruction, suggesting they do not deserve heaven. He declares himself the savior of the Vikings, the people abandoned by God.

Thorfinn realizes Canute’s grand ambition to unify the Vikings, a concept that had never crossed his mind.

Meanwhile, Einar struggles to control his anger and desires to kill the King. Canute asks Thorfinn what he plans to do now that he rejects his peace proposal and insists on taking the farm.