Will Wanda return in MCU after Doctor Strange 2? – SPOILERS

Doctor Stange 2 has been released and we all must admit that the movie was stolen by Scarlet Witch aka Wanda played by Elizabeth Olsen from every character, as we can sense her loss throughout each and every scene of her. This article has major SPOILERS for the movie Doctor Strange 2.

Whether it’s Scarlet Witch of our universe 616 or Wanda from Universe 838 universe (the Illuminati one), we can see the rage in her eyes in every action and every deed, Her pursuit to get the kids in her universe was all about the movie.

The chaos magic and dark hold had totally corrupted her and she tried to destroy the two-universe by pulling characters from here and there just to get the love of her life her two sons. If we can watch the movie through her eyes we can almost justify all the things as how lost Vision two times and as now her sons are also not in this universe, she went totally rampage and tried to harness all the secret magic and became the Scarlet Witch.

The idea of revealing her as the main villain in just a few minutes of the movie in Doctor Strange 2 is really very interesting, though it could be the idea of MCU’s boss Kevin Feige I think we should thank Sam Raimi for the approach he took to tell us the story. In the end, we have seen how she holds the temple of Dark Hold to destroy its magic using the powers inside her by changing reality. Although we have seen the blast at the end BUt Is she really dead? Will Wanda be back in another MCU project in the future?

Will Wanda will survive the destruction of the dark hold in Doctor Strange 2?

As Scarlet Witch used the powers of dark hold, her chaos magic, and the powers of altering realities she has finished the powers of dark hold, But will she survive that level of energy outburst? Is Wanda still alive?

Doctor Strange 2 Wanda
Marvel Studios

We can answer it affirmatively as if you will watch keenly you will notice that red energy just outburst after the destruction of the dark hold it means that Wanda may have created a red-energy shield to save her from the destruction and now she is in a concentration mode to destroy each and every aspect of chaos and dark energies from her body and soul and she will be back in other MCU projects.

Moreover that when Elizabeth Olsen who had played the role of Wanda or Scarlet Witch in the movie Doctor Strange 2 asked about her role by Variety she said:

It’s weird that I’m expecting to return but no one’s told me I’m doing anything! But in my mind, I’m just making the assumption that they’ll have me again. I don’t know to what capacity, but I hope I’m back. I hope there’s also more fun to be had in something different. Where do we go? I feel like we’ve done so much with her. It’s been really a wild couple of years with her.

So it’s almost confirmed that we will get Scarlet Witch aka Wanda very soon in the upcoming projects of MCU.

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