What If…? Season 2 Director Bryan Andrews Shared Easter Eggs

Bryan Andrews Updates: Finally Uwatu The Watcher has interfered and we got to see Season 1 of Marvel’s What If….?. The show got premiered on 11 August 2021 on Disney+ and give us many imaginative stories which were created because of some fault in the current timeline.

We got to see Captain Carter, Tchala Lord, Evil Doctor Strange, KillMonger killing Tony Stark, Party Thor, An universe which got completely infected by Zombie, And Ultron acquiring Vision’s Body.

It was a good journey in which we got many unanswered questions from the live-action movie version of that scenario. Now the show is already announced for its second season by their creators and Kevin Feige.

Recently in an interview, A-C Bradley said that the second season of the show is going to be weirder and it will primarily focus on the 4th Phase of Marvel and upcoming projects of Marvel.

What does Bryan Andrews Say?


Also, the Director of the show said that in the first season 2 episodes weren’t released because of the pandemic. A glimpse of which we saw in the last episode in which we saw Tony Stark and Gamora together on Knowhere and they were melting the Infinity Gauntlet. And one more episode in which we were going to see Zombie Thanos in action.

Creators don’t tell us anything about the release date of season 2 but it might get released after the 4th Phase will be completed and the 5th phase might start. So it will get released in the fall of 2023 or the starting of 2024.

And we can get to see those 2episodes in the second season. And the 1st Season ended with a minor cliffhanger in which Guardians of Multiverse were sent to their timeline and Zola (in Vision’s Body) and KillMonger (with Ultron’s suit) was put in a pocket dimension and Evil Strange was chosen as in charge of overseeing them.

Season 2 will be weirder because the upcoming movies and shows of MCU are weirder already so seeing the different outcomes of that movie will be put us in more confusion.

Movies like Spiderman No Way Home, Doctor Strange and Multiverse Of Madness, and many more upcoming projects which themselves is undiscovered and unimaginable for viewers.

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