Mass Effect: How to Save the Council

Mass Effect Updates: The governing council of the Galaxy of Mass Effect, The Citadel Council was originally formed by the Asari and Salarians in 500BCE, who were first to travel among the stars. When they first found the Citadel, it was believed that the Protheans built the Citadel before their mysterious evanescence. But later, it was proved wrong, thereupon the inception of the Citadel and its bizarre Keepers remains a mystery.
The idea of joining forces with other races to form a galactic council on Citadel was proposed by the Asari.  With the help of Salarians, the council was created on the Citadel and as time rolled, they accepted the ambassadors from the Volus, Elcor, Quarians, Hanar, and Batarians to represent their race on the citadel.
The Citadel Council is now composed of one representative from each of the galaxy’s three dominant races, namely the Turians, Asari, and Salarians. They each took over the different aspects of the Governance. The Asari plays the Diplomatic roles, The Salarians act as secret intelligence and the Turians provided the military aid.
The representatives from other races of the galaxy were given membership on the Citadel council, yet they have no power to decide the fate of the galaxy.
Commander Shepard:
Commander Shepard’s had to fight many wars over his journey in the Mass Effect trilogy,  but it is quite amusing to know that his early days of the war were over the Citadel council.  The Citadel council didn’t want a human to exercise any real power in the council as they thought that humans were the young race blossoming its way up. But human politicians like Donnel Udina argued otherwise.
Making Shepard the First human specter was a big move yet that didn’t do much on humanity’s influence in the council.  Citadel council was not ready to believe Shepard when he brought up the news about Saren Arterius’ betrayal or even on the discussion about the inevitable Reaper invasion.

Mass Effect: The mistake:

When the council was threatened by the Rachni, the incompetence of the council forced the Salarians to get assistance from the primitive krogan race, who were living in the ruins of their homeworld Tuchanka. The salaries provided krogan with technological advancement in exchange for their barbaric way to defeat the Rachni.  After the fall of Rachni, the Salarians realized that uplifting the krogan race is now a big fault and in a matter of time, they will overrun the galaxy and dominated.
They started to fight the Krogan before they could pose a great threat to the galaxy.  With the help of the Turians, they were finally able to suppress the krogan and put them back where they belonged once.  The Salarians developed a biological weapon named “Genophage”, which will decrease the reproduction rate of the Krogan greatly.
The Turians deployed the bomb over the Krogan and due to their assistance over the suppressing of the Krogan they were admitted in the core Governmental structure of the Citadel council making them the third dominant race to preside over the galaxy.
In meantime, Turian discovered humanity, who had recently entered the Galactic space with the help of the Charon relay. The Turians attacked them believing that humanity’s invasion was a breach of Galactic law. The war quickly escalated to be devastating and humanity came to know that as the First Contact War. Before the war could turn ugly, The council intervened, disclosing itself to humanity and welcomed them to the Galactic fold.
Shepard’s loyalty:
Humanity is now under Galactic law restraints when council Spectre Saren Arterius found out about Humanity’s Experiments on Artificial Intelligence. When Saren blew up a refinery full of innocent people, he framed Anderson for his mistakes, who was on the line to be the first human specter.
When Commander Shepard became the first Human Spectre, he uncovered the double-dealings of the Saren with Getha and Reaper Sovereign.  Humanity was offered an official position on the council for the efforts of Commander Shepard on stopping Saren’s attack on the council.
But Udina’s betrayal of the council, by selling them out to Cerberus has made the humans put in a difficult situation. Despite some humans weren’t ready to govern the galaxy, They were some to uphold the peace in Galaxy.

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