New Space Jam 2 Poster Teases a Heroic Pair of All-Stars

Space Jam 2 Updates: LeBron James’ collaboration with Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes is teased in a recent Space Jam: A New Legacy poster. Despite years of production, the lengthy sequel to Space Jam is finally coming to a theatre near you.

The upcoming film in theatres and on HBO Max on the same day in July is part of Warner Bros.’s distribution plan for 2021. Just a few months before the release of Space Jam: A New Legacy, the studio is ramping up its marketing activities.

Several specifics and resources for Space Jam: A Modern Legacy have been revealed in the last month, featuring a series of still photos and character flyers featuring the Looney Tunes’ new 3D designs.

Much of this is leading up to the debut of the Space Jam: A New Legacy teaser, which will take place this weekend. However, before fans can see some clips from the film, another one-sheet has been released.

Space Jam 2: Heroic Pair


The latest Space Jam: A New Legacy poster, which features James and Bugs Bunny standing back-to-back as they plan to watch a basketball game, has been released by Warner Bros. More has been said on how Space Jam: A New Legacy differs from its precursor in that it tells a fatherhood tale.

The main plot follows James and his fictitious son, Dom, as they become trapped in a virtual reality filled with WB characters. Space Jam: A New Legacy appears to be attempting to entice viewers with a compelling emotional core, but this poster serves as a reminder that the new film will remain true to the franchise’s roots.

James would partner up with the Looney Tunes to win a basketball game, much as Michael Jordan did in 1996. Even when this installment has a more substantial plot, fans can still anticipate lots of silly, cartoony antics, particularly mostly during the crucial events.

It’ll be exciting to see how Space Jam: A Modern Legacy continues to find this balance. The original is a favorite touchstone for 1990s youth, but it wasn’t exactly a critical darling, so the sequel has a good chance of being better.

Ryan Coogler’s presence in the creative team is especially fascinating considering his track record of directing films with lots of heart and decency, such as Creed and Black Panther. No one ever expects Space Jam: A New Legacy to win an Oscar, but it would be better if it was a good, exciting film.


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