Crash Bandicoot 4: “It’s About Time” Review

Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time is a game that will bring back many memories. Hence, it is also called nostalgic in 2020. When the game begins, the opening level requires you to reach the point N. the way the map of the game is lead out, it is much more similar to the original trilogy.

There must be memories of a person from this game as many have grown up playing this game. Some have also forgotten how difficult it used to be to play the original games or maybe they are just getting old?

This is a game that will be a test for your patience and immediate responses. Hence, without any further ado, let us find out what all we know about Crash Bandicoot 4. Further, we will also see if it is as good as its previous versions or not.

Crash Bandicoot 4: A story spanning time

Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time began when following the events of Crash Bandicoot 3. However, if you have missed any version or part of the game, worry not. The stories of the previous three games are not as deep and confusing as The Last of Us.

It is a light cartoon story wherein the evil and malevolent Doctor, Neo Cortex desires to frustrate the hero of the game, Crash Bandicoot. The story is simple and does not have many twists. However, it has a lot of surprises and emotions from the supporting cast.

However, the game will not be similar to the initial games released in the 90s. this time you’ll be able to play as multiple characters. Each character will have its side of the story. However, we should back up for a minute. In the journey of the game, you will meet novel masks. This will also include Aku Aku, who will provide distinct capabilities added in the gameplay.

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